Zuni: 8th Grade
based on current grade
Daily Schedule
- Elective Based Schedule-Each girl’s program is unique and based on requests she submits in advance of camp.
- Selective the last period of the day, is a free period for girls in Upper Camp. They may sign up for an activity or relax in their cabins (spend time with friends, shower, read a book, etc.)
- Zuni Prep-once a rotation girls will meet to focus on their leadership opportunities around camp.

Evening Activities
Zuni’s participate in a variety of evening activities as a group and with the whole camp. A favorite evening activity of this age group is Sign-Out Night – girls may choose from destinations like movies, ice cream, or attending a New Hampshire Fisher Cats baseball game.

Off-Camp Program
- The Zuni’s go to Hanover, NH! They may choose to tour Dartmouth College, see a movie and/or explore this vibrant college town!
- Some evening Programs are off-site.
- Optional hikes, to new destinations geared to our Upper Camp campers. Zuni’s can sign up to hike Mt. Washington!
- Inter-camp competitions in various sports/activities with neighboring camps.

Community Leadership
- Project Morry Walk-A-Thon: Zunis learn about Project Morry and share their knowledge with the rest of Wico! Zunis will create an education campaign, act as cheerleaders and announcers for this annual fundraising event!
- End of Summer Banquet: Zunis decide on the theme and then choose the menu and decorations for this traditional, culminating event! These experiences give Zunis a taste of what they can expect as Totems in their last summer as campers.